“Winnie the Pooh,” says his animator, Mark Henn, “is deceptively simple in his design, but successful animation is about the character having a heart that feels and a mind that thinks. Unless you can capture that you are just simply moving lines around.”
Talking about animating this now world-renowned character, Mark points out that whilst Pooh may not necessarily be the most colourful character in the stories – Eeyore and Tigger seem to top most people’s list of favourites – he is, nevertheless, the centre of the world. As he puts it: “Some of the others maybe more multi-dimensional or have a greater range of emotions, but Pooh is the anchor and acts as a stabilizer on everybody else’s eccentricity.”
The new Disney feature,
Winnie the Pooh opens in the UK, Europe and Latin America this month and in North America on 15 July.