It was 1969 – most of my readers probably weren't born – and I was in a state of HUGE excitement: Disney's 1951 animated feature,
Alice in Wonderland was being reissued in Britain and was coming to my local cinema.
I was (in addition to being a rabid Disney fan) a crazed
Carrollian having fallen in love with the book long before I could even read from having it read to me by my parents.
In those prehistoric,
pre-video days I had seen stills from the Disney version, and clips on TV, I had read comic- and picture-book versions and listened endlessly to the Disneyland Storyteller LP, but... I had never
SEEN the FILM!I loved it! As passionately as I felt about the book, I was not so much a purist as to worry about the departures from the original text (although I thought it was more than a bit unfortunate to have
mis-spelled the author's name on the credits!) and I went back more than once to the cinema that week to see it again - and again!
The supporting feature was the live action film based on Sterling North's book,
Rascal, about raising a baby
raccoon which - like all the sentimental Disney animal-pix – I also enjoyed and each visit I managed to pick up the promotional
giveaways for the release: the ingenious
Alice's Magic Wonderbook, the four pages of which could be manipulated so as to reveal six or, if you were very clever,
eight pages!
Here are all those pages...