Badge from the opening day of the new Tomorrowland at Disneyland, 22 May 1998
Valentine's Day lovers blissfully focused on each other and are, in that
moment *– as is only right –* unconcerned by the woes beneath which our
world g...
Hi Brian,
I'm back checking the blogs after a long absence. I've always enjoyed the look and feel of the retro Tomorrowland, so this fits the bill! Reflecting on this, I am wondering if you ever saw the Disney "Steampunk" pims that were issued about 3 years ago or so. Very much of the Victorian "ahead-of-their-time" Steampunk feel.
Hi, Chuck,
I've not been to D'land in a few years now, so didn't see those pins, but you are right that it was a steampunk look before steampunk had taken off – if retro things actually 'take off; that is! :)
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